适用对象:适合丝印、移印,亮光,慢干的芳香低气味溶剂型油墨,印刷适性好,耐洒精性能**,可满足粗、细线条的文字印刷。因其具有优异的韧性而右真空吸塑、高温成型而不致引起裂面。2.适用范围:特别适合印刷软硬质等材质,制作塑料标牌、铭板、灯箱、广告等。3.使用方法:① 印刷前先清除印件表面的尘埃及油渍,可用无水乙醇(酒精)或抹字水清除(本司皆可提供)② 将油墨搅拌均匀,根据当时的实际环境条件选用稀释剂:快干、中干、慢干稀释剂,一般情况为冷天(≤15℃)选用快干剂,而热天(≥30℃)选用慢干剂。③ 在印刷细小线条、图案、文字时若出现字体扩散,毛剌、模糊不清的现象,请选用本系列的透明色膏或通用慢干膏。④ 适合77—150T的网版印刷,请用户据实际情况先取合适网目。① 印前请**试印,测试油墨对印材的匹配性,防止出现材料品种不同而引起质量问题。② 稀释剂一般情况下是添加20%—30%间实际操作时根据使用情况及环境条件来调节油墨粘度。③ 印刷后墨层的干燥会因所承印底材的不同而有所差异,为确保印后质量,请按实际情况选定干燥方式及时间。④ 本品为易燃品,使用前后请将油墨容器完全密封且置于阴凉通风处保存,避免接触高温和明火。⑤ 本品对人体有一定的刺激性,在使用过程中请做好个人防护,避免接触皮肤或误入眼内,如不小心溅入眼内,请先马上用大量水冲洗,或就医。⑥ 本品自生产之日起保质期限为两年,过期请重新测试其可用性 Applicable objects: suitable for screen printing, pad printing, light fragrance, low odor of solvent based inks slow drying, good printing adaptability, resistance to alcohol outstanding performance, can meet the coarse, fine lines of text printing. Because of its excellent toughness and right vacuum, high temperature molding without cause crack surface. 2 scope of application: especially suitable for printing soft and hard materials, production of plastic signs, nameplate, light box, advertising etc.. 3 using the method: first, remove dust and grease surface printing: printing before, can use anhydrous ethanol (alcohol) or wipe word water clear (our company all can provide) the ink mixing evenly, diluent was selected according to the actual environmental conditions: fast drying, slow drying, dry thinners, generally for cold weather (less than or equal to 15 DEG C) select drying agent, and hot days (less than 30 DEG C) with slow drying agent. In printing fine lines, patterns, text if the font diffusion, burr, vague phenomenon, please choose the series of transparent color paste or general slow dry paste. Screen printing the suitable for 77 - 150T, please users according to the actual situation take appropriate mesh. The prepress please first try printing, matching test of ink to the printing materials, to prevent the emergence of quality problems caused by the different varieties of materials. The thinner under normal circumstances is to add 20% - 30% between the actual operation according to the use and environmental conditions to adjust the ink viscosity. The printing ink layer dry because of the printing substrate vary, in order to ensure the quality of printing, please according to the actual situation of the selected drying method and time. The product is flammable, please use the before and after the ink container is completely sealed and placed in a cool ventilated place to save, avoid contact with high temperature and fire. And the goods on the human body have a certain irritation, in use process please do personal protection, avoid contact with skin or into the eye, such as accidentally splashed into eyes, please immediately flush with plenty of water, or medical treatment. And the product from the production date the warranty period of two years, expired please re testing the usability